Sunday, December 20, 2009

Print has to evolve!!

The custodians of media got together many years ago and set up a research system called the readership research in India. It borrowed a lot from what was being done in the area in other countries. This research became the backbone of media plannig in India and subsequent rounds of this research were used by media as a barometer of their growth.

However, recently (for about past 5 years) this barometer has been indicating clearly (for those who want to see the truth) that the print media is not growing. The average issue readership has been going down for most publications; an increase in circulation is not resulting in a corresponding in readership; the average timespent on the media has been reducing marginally but surely; sole readership of major publications has been dropping; and so on.

The overt reaction of most leaders has been to deny, discredit, doubt and debate the same barometer. But, that is not helping and the metrics continue to go down.

Please, do not conclude that I am saying that there is no future for print media. All I am saying is that the print readership is not lying. By the metrics that have been in use over the past decade or more - yes the publications are in trouble. But, then should we continue to measure print media by the same metrics. Now, when I say different I am not referring to the recent naive attempt by some influential people to replace 'average issue readership' by 'total readerhip'. I mean a fundamental change in the measurement metrics.

The informationn provided by the current design of readership research should be used for whatever it is worth instead of discrediting and debating it. However, it is also time to realize that just the size of the publication in terms of the number of readers is not the only metric that defines success for a publication. The manner in which consumers read publications has changed and the important thing is the relationship that the publication (and different segments of the publication) has with its readers. The value of the readers and the nature of the realationship will define worth of a publication for brand communication.

Print media custodians have to rethink what they are delivering to consumer and brands and hence what they need to measure. With this understanding they need to evolve to deliver and market the new measures and success will be theirs.

Hope to see some changes in their perspectove soon!!

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