Monday, October 02, 2006

The Evolution Battle

The battle of evolution is very harsh. Its the survival of the fittest. No, I am not talking of the evolution of the animal and plant species; I am referring to the evolution of the species of media for the future.

Man is changing the world and in-turn the world is changing man. Persoanl, social & economic reason all require man to communicate with the world aroud him and as the world around changes there is a need for the communication media to change too.

Every minute the media being used are transforming. The transformation is not happening in hih-tech laboratories of the western world but on the streets across the globe. It isnot a few scientists that are driving the change in the world of media - it is the consumers of media that are innovating and inventing new media everyday.

Just as internet is an organism that once seeded has and is growing on its own (by individual enterprise); so is the nature of media now. As techology becomes more and more in control of the individual, the growth of media also is driven by people.

I hope to soon return to you with a map of evolution of media that will chart for us the direction of the future winds and help us set our sail in the right direction.